KNOWN WEBSITE ISSUES.... (updated 4/02/23) Please check this post for the list of known issues with the new website.
The site is brand new and we are still working on some issues and adding new functionality. We know a couple areas are not working correctly, so please check this list before you report issues to us. If you find anything that is not on this list, please send us note.
Updated: March 27, 2023
- FIXED - Shop/Store Out of Stock are not working properly at the moment. Everything is showing as out of stock, but the stock number gives the correct quantity of available orchids. If you run into this issue, please let me know. But as of 4/2/23 an update has been made that should fix this
- Newsletter Sign-up is partially working, you should be bale to submit your e-mail and then we'll manually add you to the newsletter. There is no account level management yet.
- Forums
- Community Membership - we have to manually change new accounts to Community Members for you to be able to post. Hoping to improve this in the future, but for now if you want to join the community, please send me a note through the contact form.
- Right now we have a basic implementation of the forums. This will be improved as we get more features added.
- My Orchid Vault
- The pages for MOV have not been populated. We have a new version in the works that will be getting released as soon as this website upgrade is done.