Orchid Image SDOHybridList

Orchid ID
Orchid Cross Name Full
Phalaenopsis Louise Burns (2013 4n)
Orchid Cross Parents
(Phal. Equalacea ' Dragon Jewel' X Phal. violacea var indigo '091513A')
Very exciting cross using tetraploid lines from both our Equlacea and indigo violacea breeding. These orchids are amazing growers. The amount of hybrid vigor coming through in this tetraploid strain has been extremely impressive.
Pod Parent:
Orchid Image Pod Parent

Pollen Parent:
Orchid Image Pollen Parent

Orchid Details:
Orchid Genus:
Orchid Grex/Cultivar:
Louise Burns (2013 4n)
Orchid Pod Parent:
P. Equalacea ' Dragon Jewel'
Orchid Pollen Parent:
P. violacea var indigo '091513A'
Orchid Cross Registered Date:
Orchid Cross Registered By:
R. A. Shepherd
Ploidy Data:
When available, information on Ploidy and Chromosome Counts.
Orchid Ploidy:
Chromosome Photo:
Additional photos:
Orchid Image Photo1

Orchid Image Photo2