Orchid Image SDOHybridList

Orchid ID
Orchid Cross Name Full
Phalaenopsis Yaphon Bluepis
Orchid Cross Parents
(Phal. Kenneth Schubert 'Fangtastic Violet' HCC/AOS X Phal. tetraspis var alba)
I originally made Yaphon Bluepis is 2003. This was before I was doing my own labwork and the lab said they did not get any germination. I eventually got this cross into my own lab in 2005. By the time I flowered out any of the cross, Yaphon had already registered the cross. As far as know none of this cross ever bloomed out coerulea. It could probably be remade now with a coerulea tetrapsis and might have a chance at producing coeruleas.
Pod Parent:
Orchid Image Pod Parent

Pollen Parent:
Orchid Image Pollen Parent

Orchid Details:
Orchid Genus:
Orchid Grex/Cultivar:
Yaphon Bluepis
Orchid Pod Parent:
Phal. Kenneth Schubert 'Fangtastic Violet' HCC/AOS
Orchid Pollen Parent:
Phal. tetraspis var alba
Orchid Cross Registered Date:
Orchid Cross Registered By:
Yaphon Orch.
Ploidy Data:
When available, information on Ploidy and Chromosome Counts.
Orchid Ploidy:
Chromosome Photo: