Orchid Image SDOHybridList

Orchid ID
Orchid Cross Name Full
Phalaenopsis equestris var cyanochilus 2005 (2n and 4n)
Orchid Cross Parents
Phal. equestris var cyanochilus ('Martel's Blue' X ABC')
As far as I can tell, both 'Martel's Blue' and 'ABC' are exactly the same cultivar The colchicine treated seedlings from this cross were the base for our tetraploid line of equestris var cyanochilus.
One of the more interesting diploid selections out of this cross is available in our online store.
Pod Parent:
Orchid Image Pod Parent

Pollen Parent:
Orchid Image Pollen Parent

Orchid Details:
Orchid Genus:
Orchid Grex/Cultivar:
equestris var cyanochilus 2005 (2n and 4n)
Orchid Pod Parent:
equestris var cyanochilus 'Martel's Blue'
Orchid Pollen Parent:
equestris var cyanochilus 'ABC'
Ploidy Data:
When available, information on Ploidy and Chromosome Counts.
Chromosome Photo:
Additional photos:
Orchid Image Photo1

Orchid Image Photo2

Orchid Image Photo3

Orchid Image Photo4